Sliderbild Campingbus
Sliderbild Campingidylle
Sliderbild Strand im Sommer
Sliderbild Luftbild vom Campingplatz

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Welcome to our campsite "Camping in Neuhaus" – welcome to pure Baltic Sea camping for the whole family!

Our small, family-style campsite is located directly behind the dunes of the Baltic Sea, at the gates of Fischland-Darß-Zingst peninsula. Whether you are young or young at heart, you will find everything here a camper's heart desires for a relaxing holiday: A white, sandy beach stretching for miles, the sea, a refreshing breeze, the great outdoors, freedom and, above all, blissful peace and quiet. 

Are you already in the holiday mood? Your family would like nothing better than to set off right this minute? Then this is your direct connection to your most relaxing holiday ever by the beautiful Baltic Sea: or 038 226 - 53 99 30.

We are looking forward to having you here with us!
Your team at Camping in Neuhaus, your family campsite by the Baltic Sea in Mecklenburg